It is something I have found interesting looking at the seasonal changes.
Coming into winter, the colours of the season changes to brown, bronze and black.
The garden dies off, the grass dies off and we all start getting depressed.
The fashion industry follows nature and releases the browns, blacks and darker colours into the shops for us to surround ourselves with.
The problem with this trend is that it is human nature to stay indoors where it is warm, starving ourselves of the critical sun exposure and Vit D that keeps our moods stable.
The depressive natures then start to rear their heads, making people hibernate even more.
Like me, my mom, my partner and many friends are all starting to anticipate this horrid move from happy summer person to miserable and grumpy blah, staying home rather than going out, grumbling instead of singing and generally being a boring and uninteresting person to be around for the next 4 months.
Now, I have been doing some research on this and how we can possibly combat this cycle and I have found some solutions:
By dressing in and surrounding yourself with brighter and more summery colours you can artificially uplift your mood.
Buying bright coloured blankets for your couches to snuggle in, brighter carpets and even changing curtain colours, you can instantly brighten a room to be more conducive to a happier mood.
Playing uplifting music at home before work, in the car and when you get home can also increase your happy hormones!
Singing along will help even more.
Stay away from soppy love songs and heartbreak hill misery tracks, as these will have the opposite effect.
Bringing fresh flowers into your home and increasing the freshness with incense, room freshener and some open windows will instantly uplift the environment.
Choose bright colours for a vase in a prominent place in your home.
Try this for this weekend and let me know how it worked!
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